Monday, August 14, 2023

Floor Yokohama Baystars Cards


We have developed a new tradition in my house.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have been able to source large numbers of 2023 Epoch packs for very cheap prices. I now have a stockpile of them, and everyday my two kids and I open one pack each.

I took them to the Nagoya Dome earlier this year to watch a Baystars-Dragons game and the Baystars won 2-0. Ever since then my kids have hated the Baystars, largely because the loss robbed us of the ability to watch the post-game celebrations the Dragons and their mascots put on.

Epoch packs come with one card per team, and my kids started throwing the Baystars cards directly on the floor as a symbol of their contempt. I have joined them in doing so and we’ve now largely formalized the ritual. When we open the packs, we grab the Baystars cards, say “Ugh, bye bye Baystars” and fling them to the floor in disgust.

So we are trying to complete the set but with the Baystars cards mostly mid-grade.


  1. I'd consider doing the same for a particular Baystars pitcher who joined the team this season but he somewhat inexplicably has not had any cards, It's becoming weird enough that I might have to post about it, even though I'm pretty much trying to ignore the player in question.

    1. I believe I know the Baystar of whom you speak. I’m surprised he doesn’t have any cards, wonder what is up with that.

  2. I would've expected the corners to be worse. It's been my experience that wood floors are none too kind to corners.

    1. The kids mostly kind of slap the cards face down on the floor so the corners usually escape dinging, though they sometimes stay on the floor for a while before someone (always me) picks them up and they usually get scuffed up by little kid feet stepping on them!
