Sunday, June 4, 2023

Local collector attempts to move 1977 Yamakatsu premium cards by himself, dies.

Yesterday the writer of this blog made the foolish mistake of trying to carry some 1977 Yamakatsu Premium cards unassisted. He is survived by a wife and two young children.

Just kidding, I survived the experience with only a minor back injury as a result of trying to carry these absolutely massive cards around on my own.

The reason I was moving them around is that I picked up a couple of unopened boxes of 1977 Yamakatsu Jumbo cards recently, which I think are quite neat . 

The regular cards in this set, which came one card per pack in 30 pack boxes, are very large themselves, but the premium cards, which came three per box and would be given out to anyone who pulled a winner card from one of the regular packs, have got to be some of the biggest things that could be described as “baseball cards” ever made.

A few years ago Dave gave me a couple of these giant premiums when he visited Nagoya, and I have wanted to complete the set (of 6) ever since. I have now done so! 

I also have 60 packs of regular cards which I haven’t opened yet and am unsure if I should. 46 year old unopened packs don’t grow on trees, so I feel I should leave them in there. But its also a huge temptation and I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself….

The premiums, which came loose in the box, don’t present that problem. But they do pose a giant (literally) storage problem which I’ll have to work out.


  1. What are the card's dimensions? They look like they're almost square in shape. Regardless of size, they are very cool. Congratulations on completing the premium set! And that's really cool that you have 60 unopened packs laying around.

    1. Thanks! They are 14 inches by 15.5 inches, almost square but not quite.

    2. Wow. That's pretty big. Larger than record albums. I bet these were hanging up in kid's bedrooms all over Japan back in the 70's. Well... maybe not if they were only three premiums per box.

    3. These are definitely meant for bedroom walls of the 1970s....I'm trying to find a spot where one or two of these will go in our house.

  2. I have an unopened box of small arms/guns that are the same dimensions. The cards in the packs are huge. The winner card/posters are massive like the baseball ones. It’s crazy and storage is a butt pain.

    1. Oh neat! And yeah, storage is a massive pain in the butt....

  3. That's too bad about the local collector. I didn't know him very well, but did enjoy his blog's content. Hopefully someone else will come along and pick up the torch :)

    1. May his successor be more careful when handling jumbo sized cards. RIP.

  4. I've had all six in a large plastic sleeve sitting in my office for over ten years now. Unfortunately when I pulled them out to look at them after reading your post, I discovered that the humidity in my basement (my home office and all my baseball cards were in my basement until about a year and half ago) caused them to stick together a little bit. I got them separated without too much damage but they are no longer in mint condition.

    I think one of us needs to submit one of these to be graded just so we can see if PSA will slab something this big!

    1. Ha, yeah I do wonder what the biggest card PSA will slab is. Can't imagine they'd do something even remotely this big (even the "medium sized" Yamakatsu cards are probably too big!)

      Sorry to hear yours got stuck together. I've been lucky with the two you gave me, after four years of Nagoya summer humidity they are still OK!
