Wednesday, April 26, 2023

My New Sadaharu Oh Card


I got a pretty cool thing in the mail from Gregory at Nine Pockets the other day - a stained glass window style card of Sadaharu Oh which he put together. 

The card is based on Oh's menko in the JCM 165 set from 1975, which I posted about a little while ago and was the inspiration for this card.  Gregory was kind enough to send one to me solely based on having seen the original card in my post, which was very nice of him.  

The original card is quite distinctive with that halo like sun (or whatever it is) behind Oh's head:

Its quite neat in stained glass form too:
Thanks a lot, Gregory!


  1. Gregory did a fantastic job on this custom! I bought a few of them.

    1. yeah, they really do look cool, don't they?

  2. Glad it made it there safely, Sean! Looks good against the blue sky.

    1. Thanks again Gregory. Yeah, I saw the photo of you holding one up to the sky on your blog, so gave it a try with mine!
